School Activity

History of Pakistan School, Mangaf, Kuwait.

The School Year

1st April to 31st March.

School Timetable

Available on request.

Exam Schedule

                  First Progress Test ……………………After 20th May

                     Mid Term Examination……………..From 1st week of November

                     Final Term Examination…………….From 1st week of March


A successful accomplishment of exam takes a student to another level. Moreover, good marks scored in exams act as a basis for further studies. Both class 10th and 12th Board exam have great significance in student’s education. Generally, in class 10th board’s course curriculum student studies five subjects namely, Maths, Science, Social Science, First and Second Language. These board exams occur during the month of March or April and results are announced in May-June, after completion of exams and declaration of results, students chooses streams of their interest (Maths, Biology, Humanities or Commerce) for higher education. Percentage scored in these exams act as a basis for stream selector, therefore students needs to perform very well in these exams. In every board pattern, whether it is FBISE, Edexcel or Cambridge, performance of students matters a lot, and it becomes a key factor for getting admission in colleges or Universities of their choice. Hence, complete focus should be given in   preparation of these exams.