Punctuality and Attendance

Punctuality and attendance are vital to the academic and social progress of all the students. The students must be in school at 7:15 a.m. and attend their classes according to the Timetable. They cannot leave the school before 1:15 p.m. unless permitted by the Principal for certain solid reasons. The parents of younger children are expected to collect their wards in time.

Attendance of all the children is marked in the attendance-register. The parents can check the attendance of their children during parent-teacher meetings. They may be asked to explain any absence of their children. The frequent absentees will be reported to the Ministry of Education which may lead to the expulsion from school for the next academic year. The absence due to sickness must be supported by a doctor’s medical certificate and any request for extended leave must be submitted to the Principal.

The school does not offer any study leave before and during the examination. Absence during this period will not be entertained.